Medical Disclaimer

You will use THE DDXRX Software Information only as a reference aid, and that such information is not intended to be (nor should it be used as) a substitute for the exercise of professional judgment. In view of the possibility of human error or changes in medical science, you should confirm the information in THE DDXRX Software Information through independent sources. You agree and acknowledge that you will, at all times, seek professional diagnosis and treatment for any medical condition and to discuss information obtained from THE DDXRX Software Information with their healthcare provider. The user understands that diseases that the user might consider appropriate may not appear on the list of disease links. The DDXRX software generated severity of illness scores, automatically generated encounter notes and treatments and other recommendations are educational purpose only, and not to be used for patient care. Individual physician must perform through examination of the patient and deliver appropriate treatments without depending on THE DDXRX software.

This site is designed to offer you general health information for educational purposes only. The health information furnished on this site and the interactive responses are not intended to be professional advice and are not intended to replace personal consultation with a qualified physician, pharmacist or other healthcare professional. You must always seek the advice of a professional for questions related to your disease, disease symptoms, and appropriate therapeutic treatments. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem or condition, please contact a qualified healthcare provider immediately.

By clicking on the "I Agree" button below, you acknowledge that you have read, understand, and agree to be bound by the Terms and Conditions, Consent for Telemedicne Treatment, Privacy Policy, Non-Disclosure Agreement and Medical Disclaimer.

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Clinic Information
  • Physician: Multi Specialty
  • Specialty: 0
  • Street Address: UVA Medical Center; 1215 Lee Street
  • City: Charlottesville
  • State: Virginia
  • Zip Code: 22903
  • Country: USA
  • Open Hours: Providing 24/7 patient care services.
  • Phone: 434-924-0000
  • Fax: